Government of Uttarakhand has decided to begin the Mission of Sustaining Mountain Development under “Sankalp se Siddhi” initiative of Hon’ble Prime Minister and Kick-start the process from Himalaya Diwas Celebrations on September 9-10, 2017. A State level sustainable development summit Policy Makers, Academicians, subject Matter experts and stakeholders has been proposed on Himalaya diwas to delve deeper into key sustainable mountain development challenges.
This Sankalp se Siddhi mission is being taken up at all levels of state government. State level summit shall be accompanied with District magistrate, engaging grass root agencies and stakeholders to gain from local knowledge and success stories. These learning will be incorporated in local level planning like District plan etc.
Objective of the proposed activities on Himalaya Diwas is to initiate process of ides exchange and to distill the key policy change issues from the learning and progress made so far through various dialogues and engagements. Focus of the mission is to introduce Game Changing ideas for sustainable mountain development in the state and move the negative discourse on Environmental issues (I.e. Development Disability index) to positive idea of Environment protection led growth. State level sustainable mountain development summit & district level engagement with grassroots organization would provide great opportunity for Government & all Stakeholders to expedite the process of policy formulation, which is need of the hour for Mountain Development agenda.