“Incorporation of Climate Actions into Forest Working Plan Code-2014” meeting was held on 22nd March 2018, at Manthan Hall, Forest Headquarter, Dehradun, Uttarakhand and chaired by Shri. D. J. K. Sharma, APCCF (Env. & Climate Change), Uttarakhand. Welcome addressed by Shri. R.N. Jha, Nodal Officer, State Climate Change Centre (SCCC), Uttarakhand. The main purpose of meeting was to discuss on proposed framework for integrating climate actions into the Forest Working Plans as per the National Working Plan Code 2014. In this context it is discussed with Department of Forest, Uttarakhand to integrate climate actions into the Working Plan of the Forest Divisions based on the analysis of vulnerable compartments and including appropriate adaptation and mitigation strategies for long term actions in forest areas. Presently, systematic planning and management of the forests in India is done based on prescriptions provided by the Working Plan of the forest division. In year 2014, National Working Plan Code was issued by the Government of India to provide guidelines for preparation of Working Plans, however, the document lagged to provide recommendations to facilitate mainstreaming climate actions.