As part of the Indo-US Partnership for Climate resilience, the World resources Institute (WRI) along with Acclimatise is working to pilot the Partnership for Resilience and Preparedness (PREP) programme in India. The objective of PREP (which is currently being implemented in the US) is to facilitate the process for policy maker, planners, investors, resource managers, and others to routinely incorporate climate risks into their decisions, by enhancing access to relevant data and facilitating collective learning. The end-goal is to select the sectors in each state and visualize climate relevant data as well assist applications on a common platform for key decision maker and other stakeholders to access and build upon. The main objectives of the meeting are to: 1. Gauge initial stakeholder’s interest in the PREP program among various departments. 2. Finalize (in collaboration with the state) the two sectors for which we hope to collect and aggregate relevant climate data. 3. Understand where data is currently available in the state and how we can kick off the data collection process to develop the PREP platform.