Project Site: Village: Pheri Kimora | Jaunpur Block | Teri Garhwal District| Uttarakhand Pilot Area – 114 Ha covering 6 hamlets Beneficiaries: total 538, 107 HH (Forest, Water and Energy), 17 HH (Agriculture/Horticulture), 11 HH (RWH community structures) Project duration - 15 months The pilot project “Building Climate resilience of forest dependent communities” is being implemented in village Pheri kimora, Jaunpur Bloack, Tehri Garwhal district in Uttarakhand. The Vulnerability Risk Assessment (VRA) Report indicates that out of thirteen districts, Tehri Garhwal has one of the highest composite vulnerability and relatively low adaptive capacity. The pilot project activities aim to enhance the adaptive capacity of forest dependent communities. The project is being implemented by the Forest Department with financial and technical support from UNDP. It brings together various sectoral departments (Peyjal, UREDA, Horticulture, and Agriculture) at village level to demonstrate integrated adaptation model designed and implemented as a climate change adaptive measure. Project activities are in line with the SAPCC as well as the priority thematic areas identified in the NAPCC.