Project Site: Kalsi Block | Dehradun District| Uttarakhand
Pilot Area – Churani Gadhera spring catchment covering around 800 ha Beneficiary:150 HH with 1080 persons directly Project duration - 18 monthsIn Uttarakhand around 60–80% of the population in the state is dependent on springs as a source of water for drinking, domestic purposes, sanitation, and livelihoods. The SAPCC highlights serious water stress in the hilly districts under changing climatic conditions especially increasing night time temperature, increasing drier days, and extreme weather conditions. Due to inherent nature of the resource, land-use changes, lack of scientific understanding, and climate variability most hilly springs have converted either into seasonal springs or dried up completely during last decade. Under this precarious and vulnerable scenario, spring rejuvenation and restoration is essential to build water security and climate proof communities against water stress.
This pilot project aims to demonstrate climate resilient practices for springshed restoration and build water security in Kalsi block in the Dehradun District.